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10 Proven Ways to Lose Belly Fat Overnight

Do you hate it when people claim they can help you lose belly fat overnight? Well, guess what? They might be telling the truth! Although most of those promises are just lies, there are actually a few ways to lose belly fat quickly. Learn about the 10 proven ways to lose belly fat overnight in this article, and figure out which one works best for you!

1) Eat Less. The Number One Cause of Fat

Most people believe that eating too much is what causes weight gain. Sure, over-indulging on sugary snacks and fatty fast food once in a while will certainly pack on extra pounds. But as a rule of thumb, most overweight people eat very little, especially when you consider their oversized portions. With eating less being one of the most proven ways to lose belly fat overnight, it’s time for a healthy dose of reality: if you don’t stop eating so damn much, there’s no hope for change! Simple adjustments like replacing two meals per day with protein shakes can be enough to make a noticeable difference and help get your body looking toned and leaner than ever before.

2) Sleep More. Enough Sleep Helps Burn Calories

Sleeping less than six hours a night can cause a slower metabolism and lower energy levels, making it harder to lose weight. Seven hours of sleep or more can help you burn calories. Sleep better with these tips for sleeping better and never feel tired again. Eat Protein for Breakfast: A study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that dieters who ate protein during breakfast lost 65 percent more weight than those who had a carb-rich breakfast. Protein curbs hunger: Eating protein at breakfast keeps you feeling full longer so that you don't overeat later in the day, suggests a study published in Metabolism. Eggs are an excellent choice because they're low in calories and high in protein, fat and other nutrients.

3) Drink Water. Replace Sugary Drinks With Water

Sugary drinks are a big contributor to belly fat because they're full of sugar, which elevates insulin—the storage hormone that sends excess energy into your fat cells. Instead of soda and juice, drink plenty of water. Research from Tufts University shows that thirst is our body's way of telling us we need hydration—not caffeine or sugary lemonade. So when you notice those pangs, reach for a glass instead. A recent study found that people who drank four cups of water 30 minutes before meals ate 75 percent less saturated fat than their peers who didn't load up on H2O before sitting down to eat. To make it even easier, keep a reusable water bottle in your office and fill it with tap water at every opportunity throughout the day.

4) Exercise – The Best Way To Target Excess Belly Fat Is To Do Cardio

The most effective way to target belly fat is by doing cardio. And while running and other forms of high-intensity cardio have long been touted as a form of exercise that can help you lose weight, there are now emerging studies that show aerobic exercise may also help reduce belly fat and lower your risk for heart disease. One study from last year in Mayo Clinic Proceedings followed obese adults for 18 months who did either no exercise, aerobic exercise or resistance training. The aerobic group lost 2 inches more around their waist than those in the resistance group and 3 more than those who didn’t work out at all.

5) Don’t Eat After 7 p.m. (Eat A Big Dinner Earlier In The Day If Possible.)

In a study published in Obesity Research, participants who completed a 12-week weight loss program where they ate dinner earlier lost an average of 17 pounds. Another study published in Current Obesity Reports found that obese adults who ate their largest meal at breakfast lost more than twice as much weight as those who consumed their largest meal at dinner. Remember, your body is pre-programmed with your maintenance level, which is how much you need to eat to maintain your current weight. If you eat more than that amount, chances are you'll gain weight until you hit your maintenance level. Once you've reached that point, eating less will cause you to lose weight until you reach it again—and so on and so forth.

6) Boost Intermittent Fasting. 24 Hours Without Food Burns Double The Amount Of Adipose Tissue As Regular Dieting

While intermittent fasting isn’t a type of crash diet, your body does go into starvation mode when it doesn’t have enough food for fuel. In other words, when you fast and don’t eat anything for 24 hours, your liver starts releasing fat stores, breaking them down into free fatty acids that can be used as energy. This process — known as ketosis — burns twice as much fat and is more effective than regular dieting. To try intermittent fasting, simply fast for 24 hours once or twice per week. Keep in mind that caloric restriction should also be applied if weight loss is a goal.

7) Have A Cup Of Coffee Before Breakfast

Some research suggests that caffeine increases levels of cortisol, a stress hormone that has been linked to belly fat. If you struggle with a bloated belly, avoiding caffeine after 2 p.m. could help you lose weight faster. You don’t have to cut it out completely—just limit each dose to one cup (or less) per day. It’s a good idea to limit yourself to one cup of coffee per day. Avoid adding any unhealthy creamers and artificial sweeteners, which are often added straight to coffee cups.

8) Eat Protein, Not Sugar In The Morning

Eating a high-protein breakfast helps kickstart your metabolism and sets you up for success throughout your day. That’s because protein can help curb hunger in two ways: 1) Protein takes longer to digest than other foods, so you feel full longer; 2) Eating protein increases your body’s production of glucagon, which regulates blood sugar and triggers insulin release to usher glucose into cells. If you skip breakfast altogether, or if you don’t eat enough in general, your body may go into fat-storage mode and start hanging on to belly fat instead of burning it off. To lose weight quickly and safely, put more protein on your plate first thing in the morning.

9) Use the Right Kind Of Proteins in Your Diet - Choose Lean Meat Instead Of Fried And Grilled Meats

Just like carbohydrates, proteins are also good for weight loss. But if you choose high-fat or high-protein foods, then your calories will become much more than needed. So, it is recommended that you should consume lean meat instead of fried and grilled meats. This is one of the proven ways to lose belly fat overnight. Avoid Refined Carbohydrates: It is also one of most effective way which enables you to reduce belly fat fast in just a single night. Refined carbohydrates mainly come from potatoes, cookies, pasta etc.

10) Avoid Red Meat Products Because They Increase Cholesterol Levels

Red meat (beef, pork, lamb) is considered as a bad food for those who want to lose weight. Eating red meat has been found by many experts to be associated with unhealthy cholesterol levels. Having high cholesterol may increase one’s risk of stroke and heart disease. If you are planning to lose belly fat overnight, you should avoid eating red meat products. Cholesterol-rich foods include not only red meats but also other animal sources such as poultry and dairy products; so if you are a lover of those foods, you should consider limiting your consumption of them or at least reducing it significantly if you want fast weight loss overnight.


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